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[s-b] [auto] Wonko submits p220

Wonko has submitted a new Motion, p220.

Motion 220/0: Some Negatively Abled Powers
A Proposal by Wonko
Last modified on nweek 95, nday 9

If p201 passed, create the following superpowers:
== Classism ==

Power: -10

You cannot give or receive Talismans from players who do not have the same Class as you, nor may you pick up Talismans dropped by such players within an nweek of their dropping them.

== Greed ==

Power: -6

If you're in a room with a Carryable Household Object that you could pick up but haven't, then you cannot leave that room.

== Unpopular with the Masses ==

Power: -8

This superpower is a Voting Entity with Inundatron 1. It votes -1 on all proposals you make.

== Weak Heart ==

Power: -10

If a single combat roll results in you taking five or more damage, you die.

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