automailer on Wed, 29 Jun 2005 18:05:08 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-b] [auto] EugeneMeidinger submits p141

EugeneMeidinger has submitted a new proposal, p141.

Proposal 141/0: Richness exponentially increases Genechips?! NO!
A Standard Proposal by EugeneMeidinger
Last modified on nweek 92, nday 10

[I really don't want wonko and peter ruling the game because they hold ministries and have genechips.]]

In Rule 9-8 replace the first bullet with the following:
{{ 15 Genechips for each Ministry e holds. A player may not receive more than thirty Genechips each nweek in this manner.}}
and the third bullet with the following
{{ ten times the quantity of 4 minus the number of hundreds of genechips ey posses [[10(4-h)]]. This bonus is calculated and added after all other periodic increases in Genechip holdings calculated at the beginning of each nweek, and only awarded to players who performed at least one Game Action in the previous nweek. }}

Add to the end of section 1 of rule 3-9 the following:
If no proposals passed in the 2 nweeks prior belong to a proposal type then that type is worth double the amount of genechips it would be worth otherwise.
[[Also according to section 2.d it looks like you can only get chips if you meet two requirements]] 


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