Daniel Lepage on Thu, 12 May 2005 19:31:44 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-b] Re: [s-d] Re: Tiles Recognizer

Oh, hell.

Ok, so Peter has pointed out two major flaws in my work as Tiler. First, I thought the Runes were already in the Bag and didn't think to check this, and second, I thought that we had to wait 10 ndays after a Zone was *changed*, when in fact it's 10 ndays after a Zone has tiles *added* to it.

So, here's what *really* happened this nweek. I'm assuming that everyone just by chance happened not to draw any Gremlic Runes yet (*cough*).

Nday 1: New Runic Tiles were added to the Bag.
Bag gets 1x /vd/, 1x /rh/, 2x /rl/, 2x /ae/, 1x /tz/
Raelus joins Tiles, and gets: E, O, E, S, U, E, F

Nday 2:
Wonko plays ARIAS to bottom, turning AUDIAL into DUAL in bottom-left. Wonko draws: O, K, N

Nday 3:
Peter plays ASWARM to top-left, turning TACOS into COT in left. Peter draws: R, R, I, T

Nday 4:
BVS plays FIG to top-right. BvS draws:  X,  O,  F
Raelus plays FEEDS in the lower right, turning LEGISLATED into LEGISLATE, and drawing S,O,U,M
BvS plays FOX at the top. E gets the E e wanted: e draws D,E,E
Wonko turns FIG into FLUFFING, turning FOX into OX and DOUBTFUL into DOUBT. E draws another N.
Raelus turns DOUBT into DOUBTS in the center Zone. E draws a T.

The board is:

+--------------------+ +--------------------+ +--------------------+ | ASWARM |-----| OX |-----| FLUFFING | | Peter 88/3 | | Wonko 88/4 | | Wonko 88/4 | +--------------------+ +--------------------+ +--------------------+
           |           \___           |            ___/           |
           |               \          |           /               |
+--------------------+ +--------------------+ +--------------------+ | COT |-----| DOUBTS |-----| LEGISLATE | | Peter 87/6 | | Raelus 88/4 | | Raelus 87/6 | +--------------------+ +--------------------+ +--------------------+
           |            ___/          |           \___            |
           |           /              |               \           |
+--------------------+ +--------------------+ +--------------------+ | DUAL |-----| ARIAS |-----| FEEDS | | Wonko 87/2 | | Wonko 88/2 | | Raelus 88/4 | +--------------------+ +--------------------+ +--------------------+

One zone could be Zapped right now, and two more will be Zappable soon.

Ironically enough, my correction to DOUBT was wrong - the error was right, and Raelus was justified in stopping it from being Zapped.

Did I miss anything else?


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