Peter Cooper Jr. on Mon, 18 Apr 2005 21:48:52 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-b] Re: Nweek 85 Results!

Daniel Lepage <dpl33@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> And the results are in! I'm going to interpret that all this happens
> simultaneously in the order of events described by the rules, namely
> that each proposal becomes Historical, then Passes, then is
> Implemented, but the whole process happens infinitely quickly. Hence
> no points are gained from this round of voting.

That was my interpretation as well.

>   Proposal 1/3 Little Fixes (Peter)
>   AFF: Wonko, Peter, theta, RainbowWolfe
>   Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (4-0-0-0). Measure Passes.
>   Proposal 2/1 For a longer work week (Peter)
>   AFF: Wonko, Peter, theta, RainbowWolfe
>   Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (4-0-0-0). Measure Passes.
>   Proposal 3/1 Basic Scorekeeping (Peter)
>   AFF: Wonko, Peter, theta, RainbowWolfe
>   Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (4-0-0-0). Measure Passes.
>   Proposal 4/0 Tiles (Peter)
>   AFF: Wonko, Peter, theta, RainbowWolfe
>   Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (4-0-0-0). Measure Passes.

The rules have been updated to reflect these. I accidentally wrote 1-3
instead of 3-1 for a fix in p1, so I guess I'm gonna need to repropose
that part.

I'm very tired and heading to bed, but I'll try to deal out Tiles in
the morning. (Wonko, if your card scripts for the Wiki could help, I
wouldn't mind you giving me a brief overview.)

Peter C.
"Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you
mine are still greater."
		-- Albert Einstein

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