wonko on Fri, 22 Oct 2004 13:39:11 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-b] [auto] ?Rodney amends p1924

Auto-mailed on nweek 71, nday 8
Sent at Fri Oct 22 18:39:09 2004 GMT

?Rodney has amended p1924.

Proposal 1924/1: Pay for your piece
A Standard Proposal by ?Rodney
Last modified on nweek 71, nday 2

Amend rule 1900 [[The Board Game]] part B. to add:
"Every P-spec that decribes a piece must have a creation cost and a
destrution cost.
Unless otherwise specifed the destruction cost and creation cost is
1 point
Amend P-spec 1 [[Starting off]] to add:
"The Bank is a Game Object
When ever a piece is created the creator must pay the creation
cost to the Bank
When ever a piece is detroyed the destroyer is payed the destruction
cost by the Bank.If the Bank cannot pay the destroyer then the
destroyer gains one point"
Amend P-spec 2 [[The Checker]] to add:
"Any piece enemy piece that is jumped over in this manner is
creation cost: 2 tildex
destruction cost: 2 tildex"
Amend P-spec 3 [[The Penny]] to add:
"creation cost: 1 tile
destruction cost: 1 tile"

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