Zarpint Jeremy Cook on Sun, 14 Mar 2004 12:27:17 -0600 (CST)

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[Spoon-business] finance and such

Glotmorf, do you still have the Pink Scarf?


1. Below it says I had six props passed. Are you not counting the Quote Prop?
I don't see why- they are not currently classified as Unauthored.

2. I believe that the game is moving a little less slowly to hell than before.
R10 is still there, despite it being unnecessary and useless. It still has a
high Chutzpah. Unless I'm missing something, the only rules above it are the
ones that absolutely need to be, like the Chutzpah rule. In fact, before that
prop passed the game was in an inconsistent state where multiple Rules claimed
to take priority over all other Rules (including the one that specifies what
happens in such a conflict).

3. After my Appellate Judge prop, there are many of us now who can rule
on all CFIs assigned to the Upper House since the beginning of nweek 59.
Can you list these CFIs and state who's an Appellate Judge for them?

4. "changing gender more than twice in any nweek" was taken off
the LOGAS when I changed the Gender Rule. (prop 1766) The Roster
should also give BvS the stylish title specified in R154.B.6.

I propose the following:

{{__Kill the BNS__

Change the text of Rule 21.A.2 to the following ~~~ delimited text:

A.2. Tildex
There exists a unit of currency called the Tilde. "Tildex" is a plural of
"Tilde". A number of Tildex may be referred to as Y~, ~Y, ~ Y, or Y ~, where
Y is the number. [[Y not??]]

There exists an entity known as "the Great Tilde Basin and Punctuation
Exchange, Somewhat Limited", which may be referred to as the Basin. The
Basin may create or destroy Tildex, but only as specified by the Rules.
When the rules dictate that a player shall receive Tildex without
specifying a source, the Basin creates them and gives them to the Player.
When the rules dictate that a player loses or has Tildex taken from em
without a destination, the Basin takes them and destroys them.

10000~ may be referred to as a Myriad. (G* 10000)~ may be denoted "G??",
where G is a real number.

All Players should be able to easily find out the amount of Tildex they possess
by consulting an available public display.

On entering the game, a Player receives 500~.

Change Rule 625.C.3 to the following ?? delimited text:

C.3. Ministry of Twiddles

There exists a Ministry of Twiddles. The Minister of Twiddles may be referred
to as "Twiddler".

Twiddler has the power and responsibility to handle all business related to
the Basin, but only as specified by the Rules. Eir responsibilities include,
but are not limited to, currency exchange, maintaining bank balances and
maintaining players' balances of currency, if any of those exist.

Twiddler shall be given 50~ at the beginning of each nweek.

Remove all BNS, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and The Bank from the game.

Throughout the entire Ruleset, replace the text "BNS" with the text "~".

Zarpint the Incomplete

On Sat, 13 Mar 2004, David E. Smith wrote:

> The Pusher Robot draws a card (Ack).
> I'm not recognizing Teucer's change of Philosophy, since e specified:
> "I vote yes on all items."
> Which didn't happen as voting had already closed.
> E then said:
> "I then change my philosophy..."
> The "then" in the above implies that this action is contingent upon the
> previous action, which failed.
> Mikie declares a Gender and Philosophy.
> Everyone is dealt one new card.
> The new Gremlin Number is 56.
> Welcome to nweek 60.
> Nweek 59 Vote Results:
> Proposal 1810/0 (Quote Prop by Zarpint) (Zarpint):
> AFF: Baron von Skippy, bd, Sagitta, SkArcher, The Voice, Zarpint
> Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (6-0-0-0). Measure passes. Quote Prop.
> Proposal 1811/0 (Opposites of Platonism) (Zarpint):
> AFF: bd, SkArcher, The Voice, Zarpint
> NEG: Baron von Skippy
> SHL: Sagitta
> Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (4-1-0-1). Measure passes. Zarpint gains 6 points.
> Added several Philosophies.
> Created r1252/3.
> Created Philosophical Positions (the table is at the bottom of the
> Philosophies table).
> Proposal 1812/0 (Standardized Elections) (Wonko):
> AFF: Baron von Skippy, bd, SkArcher, The Voice
> NEG: Sagitta, Zarpint
> Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (4-2-0-0). Measure passes. Wonko gains 12 points.
> Created r1823/0.
> Created r1824/0.
> Proposal 1813/1 (Fix The Contradictions) (Zarpint):
> AFF: bd, Sagitta, SkArcher, Zarpint
> ABS: Baron von Skippy, The Voice
> Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (4-0-2-0). Measure passes. Zarpint gains 15 points.
> Annoyingly, this prop circumvents r10's built-in protections. The game
> will
> now officially go to Hell, as there is no longer any requirement for
> players to actually play by the rules. Without that, why not just play
> Calvinball? (Also note that this prop seriously messes with the precedence
> of several rules, and in short, what were you people thinking?)
> Created r10/3.
> Created r15/17
> Created r129/5.
> Created r497/2.
> Created r1583/1.
> Repealed r1302.
> Created r33/9.
> Created r19/14.
> Removed all Layer attributes.
> Proposal 1814/0 (Privacy) (Zarpint):
> AFF: bd, Sagitta, SkArcher, Zarpint
> ABS: Baron von Skippy, The Voice
> Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (4-0-2-0). Measure passes. Zarpint gains 10 points.
> Created r16/4.
> Created r17/5.
> Created r3/10.
> Repealed r906.
> Proposal 1815/0 (the Default Case is cool) (Zarpint):
> AFF: bd, Sagitta, SkArcher, Zarpint
> ABS: Baron von Skippy, The Voice
> Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (4-0-2-0). Measure passes. Zarpint gains 8 points.
> Created r18/3.
> Repealed r152.
> Proposal 1816/0 (Clarifying the Not-So-Default Case) (Zarpint):
> AFF: bd, Sagitta, SkArcher, Zarpint
> ABS: Baron von Skippy, The Voice
> Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (4-0-2-0). Measure passes. Zarpint gains 5 points.
> Created r699/1.
> Created r129/6.
> Proposal 1817/1 (Being an Appellate Judge for Fun and Profit) (Zarpint):
> AFF: bd, Sagitta, SkArcher, Zarpint
> ABS: Baron von Skippy, The Voice
> Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (4-0-2-0). Measure passes. Zarpint gains 11 points.
> Created r128/14.
> Proposal 1820/0 (Carte Blanche) (Sagitta):
> AFF: bd, Sagitta, SkArcher, Zarpint
> ABS: Baron von Skippy, The Voice
> Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (4-0-2-0). Measure passes. Sagitta gains 8 points.
> Created r1726/1.
> Proposal 1821/0 (Close To Your Chest) (Sagitta):
> AFF: bd, Sagitta, SkArcher
> NEG: Zarpint
> ABS: Baron von Skippy, The Voice
> Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (3-1-2-0). Measure passes. Sagitta gains 10 points.
> Added to the Deck as specified.
> Proposal 1822/0 (Fixing Platonism) (Teucer):
> AFF: Baron von Skippy, bd, SkArcher, The Voice, Zarpint
> SHL: Sagitta
> Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (5-0-0-1). Measure passes. Teucer gains 12 points.
> Revised Platonism philosophy. Yay.
> Affirmative vote counts (BW Grem):
> Zarpint: 30 votes
> Wonko: 4 votes
> Sagitta: 7 votes
> Teucer: 5 votes
> Contrary vote counts (1pt per):
> Baron von Skippy: 1 votes
> Sagitta: 1 votes
> Zarpint: 2 votes
> Psychic vote counts (IOB):
> SkArcher: 10 votes
> bd: 10 votes
> Zarpint: 8 votes
> The Voice: 3 votes
> Baron von Skippy: 2 votes
> Sagitta: 7 votes
> Plus Points:
> Zarpint: 55
> Wonko: 12
> Sagitta: 18
> Teucer: 12
> Plus Props:
> Zarpint: 6
> Wonko: 1
> Sagitta: 2
> Teucer: 1
> --
> David E. Smith  dave@[|||]
> The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me?
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Zarpint Jeremy Cook    "All thy toiling only breeds new dreams, new dreams;
mcfoufou@xxxxxxxxx         there is no truth saving in thine own heart."               --W.B. Yeats, The Song of the Happy Shepherd
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