SkArcher on 27 May 2003 00:37:01 -0000

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[Spoon-business] Wax, Olive Oil and Refining Proposal

I propose the following;


Append the following ^V^V^V^V^V delimited text to rule 1341 (Land Ownership)

B.8. Refineries. Refineries are Improvements. Refineries cost 10 Points and 500 BNS. Refineries 
must be the only improvement in their grid square. A refinery may be in one of 2 states; On or Off. 
A refinery which is On requires 70 units of Power each nweek. A refinery which is off requires 10 
units of power each nweek. Players may turn eir Refineries On or Off at eir discression.

B.8.1. Refining. Items which are on the List Of Refinable Items (LORI) may be placed inside a 
Refinery by the player who owns the Refinery, providing e is adjacent to eir Refinery. Items may be 
removed from the Refinery by the Player who owns the Refinery, providing e is adjacent to eir 
Refinery. At the end of an nweek, a refinery which is On, and is not subject to loss of power (as 
defined in section B.3. of this rule), and has not been Off during the past nweek, will refine one 
item held inside, as defined in the List Of Refinable Items (LORI). If multiple items are held 
inside a refinery, a random item is selected from among them. The product of the refining remains 
inside the refinery. If for any reason the Refinery attempts to refine an item which is not 
included on the LORI, then the Refinery is turned Off, and must remain so for at least an nweek.

Create the List Of Refinable Resources (LORI), with the following ^V^V^V^V delimited entries

Olive Oil may be refined to create Wax

[[Should ease the pain those Sirens cause - comments?]]


I'm really tired of people equating the Matrix with christianity. I think it's a disservice to the 
movie to compare it with a thousand pages of confused hallucinogenic gibberish. - Sstory, in a post 
on slashdot

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