David E. Smith on 18 Jul 2002 15:29:03 -0000

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[Spoon-business] Another proposal! Is the Admin on meth this morning???

The following is 886/0.


Create a new rule:

{{ __Road Trip!__

The Administrator may, at any time while the Clock is On, Utter The Magic
Words "ROAD TRIP!" This uttering must be done on a Public Forum.

Should the Administrator do so, the following events occur in order

* The Clock is Turned Off.
* The mailing list "spoon-business@xxxxxxxxx" ceases to be a Public Forum.
  [[ I'll be on the road for four days, and offline for another day or
  two, most likely, so I *will* miss some mail. ]]
* The phrase "seven days" is replaced with "fourteen days" in the fourth
  parapraph of Rule 0. [[ The 7 days or so I expect to be unavailable,
  plus the original seven days, in case I die along the way. ]]

At any time after the above has occurred, the Administrator may Utter The
Magic Words "Holy shit, I made it!" This uttering must be made on the
mailing list "spoon-business@xxxxxxxxx". Upon doing so, the following
events occur in order immediately:

* The Clock is Turned On.
* Rule 0 is returned to its original state before the alteration specified
  previously. Its revision number shall remain the same, as though the
  above alteration never happened. [[ saves me a little trouble twiddling
  with the database ]]
* The mailing list "spoon-business@xxxxxxxxx" becomes a Public Forum.
* Append to Rule 212 the following: "This rule does not apply during nweek
  XX. At the end of nweek XX the final two sentences of this rule delete
  themselves." where XX is the nweek after the current nweek. [[ it's the
  closest to a reward I can give for your unending patience. ]]
* This rule repeals itself.


Give the above Rule a Chutzpah of 817. [[ just to be safe. ;) ]]



---- David E. Smith, POB 515045, St. Louis, MO 63151
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