Tyler Crosby on 17 Apr 2002 16:06:48 -0000

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spoon-business: Dimship, proposals, etc.

I run to (20,10).  I do a dance, chanting, "Go Crimson!"

I buy a Dimship.  I name it The Voice's Dimship.

At the end of the nweek, I set it to ninety five score buoy., 5 style bouy., and sixty five entrop. ballast.


__Gnome Bags__

Create a new rule, __Gnome Bags__ with the -0- delim. text below:

Players have Gnome Bags. Gnome Bags may hold any number of Gnomes. Gnomes in a player's Gnome Bag are still possessed by that player.



__Barkeep!  More Gnomes!__

Append the text below, -0- delim., to the end of rule four forty one.

If a player has more than one Gnome that is possessed by em, e may "Mix" them to create a new Gnome. This may only be done as the rules expl. allow.

Create a new rule, __The Wine List__, with a Chutzpah of 2 and the -00- delim. text below:

Only Mixes of Gnomes defined in this rule are expl. allowed by the rules.


-0- Thus Spake The Voice -0-

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