Eric Gerlach on 10 Jan 2002 01:17:46 -0000

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spoon-business: Proposal

I propose the following proposal:

__A little time-warping is acceptable__

Revise rule 204 to read:
__Thou Shalt Not Screw With Time__

A proposal shall not, by its adoption, have any retroactive effect on actions, proposals, rules, CFJs, or game state. A rule shall not change any actions which occured before its adoption or alter any game state at a time before its adoption. However, a rule may allow changes to actions, proposals, rules, CFJs, or any other aspect of game state, so long as the point in time to be changed (if the time is an interval, the beginning of that interval is to be used) is after the time of adoption of the rule.

[[ I think that the current wording is too broad, and might stop various proposals from doing good things. This let's some possibilites open up, whilst still keeping the timeline intact. ]]

