Jörg Rathlev on 8 Jan 2002 18:08:18 -0000

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spoon-business: Proposal revisions

I revise proposal 225 to read:
Add the following paragraph to the end of rule 3:

Whenever the current value of The Clock is displayed or referred to,
it shall be displayed or referred to with the number of nweeks
increased by one [[because The Clock is zero-based]].

I think it makes more sense to always increase the number, no matter
where it is displayed.

I revise proposal 232 to be entitled "Third" and read:
{{ My third proposal for this nweek. }}

I revise proposal 233 to read:
Add the following paragraph to rule 31:

No player shall be awarded a win and no player's information (score
etc.) shall be modified based on how e voted on a given proposal,
unless the player emself made the proposal.

Repeal rule 155.
