Josh Utterback on 30 Dec 2001 04:40:25 -0000

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spoon-business: Proposals

<TITLE>I Can't See the Clock</TITLE>

Create a rule with the following text.
If there exists an entity called "The Clock" it's current value must be displayed in public view.

If no such entity exists, then the date and time of the end of the current nweek must be displayed in public view.

It's frustrating not being able to look at the web page and see where within the nweek we are. I know that David is working on a timer for the web page, I just thought that I would mandate it.

<TITLE>I Can't See My Watch Either</TITLE>
Create a rule with the following text.
If there exists an entity called "The Watch" and its value is not equal to 0 wweeks and 0 wdays, then its value must be displayed in public view.

Might as well force the Watch to be visible as well.
