Tom Plagge on 30 Oct 2003 05:53:11 -0000

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Re: [hosers-talk] how to bring back that 2400 baud feelin'

> Be sure you have X compression turned on. That should save you a lot of 
> bytes traveling back and forth.

How do you do this?
> Even then, however, you might be facing too much overhead created by all 
> that indirection. I gave up on displaying on the DECstation in my office X 
> apps running from home, even though I have DSL at home and the UW's fat 
> pipe at my office.

But the DECstation still works, eh?  That's rad.  I have an SGI Indigo I'd
be glad to give to you next time you come out to California.  Basically the
same processor as the DEC, but running with opposite endianness.  IRIX has
a native web browser that is reasonably fast, too, though the bad news is 
that it's Netscape 4.  The good news is that the Indigo will look way cooler 
on the desk in your office.


Tom Plagge                              UC Berkeley Physics Dept.
351 LeConte Hall                        Voice: (510) 643-1650
Berkeley, CA  94720                     Email: tplagge@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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