Josh on 21 Jan 2002 21:29:05 -0000

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Re: hosers-talk: fucking sick of hotmail

"Jon Stewart" sez:
>> "Jon Stewart" sez:
>> >
>> >Is there ANY way to create standard MIME attachments with nmh??? I'm using 
>> >a hotmail account for sending attachments to people, and it's becoming 
>> >increasingly unreliable. Inevitably, I don't check my hotmail inbox all 
>> >that often, so I'll only find out there's been a problem days after I 
>> >tried sending my attachments. It's quite shitty.
>> Surely you have tried 'man mime'.
>That's one of my big beefs with man pages. You have to know what they are 

Well, just if you don't know how to use man, so you can 'man man'.

~% man -k mime
MIME [mime]          (1)  - Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
mhbuild              (1)  - translate MIME composition draft
mhlist               (1)  - list information about MIME messages
mhn                  (1)  - display/list/store/cache MIME messages
mhshow               (1)  - display MIME messages
mhstore              (1)  - store contents of MIME messages into files
mimencode            (1)  - Translate to and from mail-oriented encoding formats
mimencode [mmencode] (1)  - Translate to and from mail-oriented encoding formats
sendfiles            (1)  - send multiple files via a MIME message
smime                (1ssl)  - S/MIME utility
splitmail            (1)  - Split a large mail message into MIME-compliant parti
al messages
MIME [mime]          (1)  - Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
mhbuild              (1)  - translate MIME composition draft
mhlist               (1)  - list information about MIME messages
mhn                  (1)  - display/list/store/cache MIME messages
mhshow               (1)  - display MIME messages
mhstore              (1)  - store contents of MIME messages into files
mimencode            (1)  - Translate to and from mail-oriented encoding formats
mimencode [mmencode] (1)  - Translate to and from mail-oriented encoding formats
sendfiles            (1)  - send multiple files via a MIME message
smime                (1)  - S/MIME utility
splitmail            (1)  - Split a large mail message into MIME-compliant parti
al message

josh blog: