Nate Ellefson on Sun, 10 Apr 2005 10:59:52 -0500 (CDT)

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RE: [eia] Austrian Land Phase, Jan '07

> At 08:33 AM 4/10/2005, you wrote:
> >Depot removal: Venice
> >Depot creation: Trieste, Koniggratz, Theresienstadt, Prague ($4)
> >
> >Lombardy, Bavarian corps w/Mack: Venice --> Trieste ($2)
> >Hesse corps -- hold at Magdeburg (4-)
> >Wurttemburg -- hold at Dresden (auto)
> >1I Theresienstadt --> Glogau, drop 1M --> Posen ($6, Koniggratz) 1I 
> >Theresienstadt --> Breslau ($2, Koniggratz) 1I Erfurt, drop 1I --> 
> >Wurttemburg, drop 2I --> Magdeburg ($6,
> >Theresienstadt)
> >6I, 3C w/ Charles and John --> ($6, Theresienstadt; $8, Koniggratz; 
> >$16,
> >Prague)
> >
> >Total cost: $50
> >
> >Mike, there will be battles at Wurttemburg and Breslau; let me know 
> >what you'll do.
> Wurttemburg is clearly different cities in different places and never 
> actually a place called Wurttemburg.

The line that has 1I at Erfurt ending up in Magdeburg should have
referred to *Dresden*, not Wurttemburg; initially I had the Wurttemburg
corps going to Dresden in my orders, so there was some text that didn't
get changed like I intended before I sent the out.  The correct text of
the line is:

1I Erfurt, drop 1I --> Dresden, drop 2I --> Magdeburg ($6,

And based on the response I sent to Kyle's inquiry, that Charles army is
going to Wittenburg, it may have been possible to divine that I meant
that there is a battle at Wittenburg, not Wurttemburg.

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