Joel Uckelman on Sat, 20 Mar 2004 16:55:26 -0600 (CST)

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[eia] Turkish Economic Phase, December 1807

A. VP: +5, 91
B. M&M Collection:
  w/ Britain:
   Turk:    $6
   Ottoman: $3
  w/ US:    
   Turk:    $4

 Taxation and Manpower:
  Turk:    $11    7
  Ottoman: $22   24

C. Lending: private
D. Manipulation: no old, no new
E. M&M Expenditure:
  Turk:   -$14    2 fleets, 9 corps, 3 depots
  Ottoman: -$3    3 corps

F. PSA: +1 PP
G. Civil Disorder: none
H. Ceding: none
I. New Political Combinations: none

J. Levy:
 The Bosnia corps appears W of Sarajevo.
 The Macedonia corps is relocated from W of Bucharest to Salonika, retiring 
the Grand Vizier from the map.
K. Dardanelles: The Dardanelles are closed.

Net PP change: +1 PP, lowest 6.


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