Kyle H on 8 Feb 2004 15:31:41 -0000

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[eia] 2nd Battle of Turin - wrap up

     In the first round, the Austro-Turkish side rolls 3 + 1 = 4 on Table
resulting in one French casualty and 0.5 morale damage.  The French side
rolls 3 + 1 = 4 on Table 4-2, resulting in 5 Austro-Turk casualties and 1.6
morale damage.  At the end of round 1 the Austrians and Turks choose not to
reinforce, and the Austrians choose not to commit the guard.
    In the second round, the Austro-Turk side rolls 5 + 1 = 6 on Table 2-3,
resulting in 2 French casualties and 2.6 morale damage.  The French side
rolls a 6 + 1 = 7 on Table 4-2, resulting in 7 Austro-Turk casualties and
2.8 morale damage.  This causes the Austro-Turk side to break.
    Due to a strong second round, the total morale damage inflicted on the
French side was 3.1.  This puts the pursuit roll on table 2.  The French
side rolls a 4 resulting in 10% of 5 cavalry = 1 cavalry equivalent.

    So total losses in the battle are as follows:
The French side loses 3 infantry.
The Austro-Turkish side loses 12 factors (one of which must be cavalry) plus
one cavalry equivalent.  Presumably, the Austro-Turkish side will choose to
lose a feudal cavalry factor as its cavalry equivalent.  This puts their
total losses for the battle at 13 factors.  So, due to proportional losses,
the Turks must lose 3 of their 5 feudal cavalry factors.  This leaves 10
losses for the Austrians to distribute among their 16 factors.  I assume
that these losses will be 8 inf. and 2 guards, but Everett can tell us if
this assumption is mistaken.

    The Austro-Turkish force is retreated to Milan.


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