Everett on 25 May 2003 11:13:01 -0000

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[eia] 3/06 Austrian Economic phase

For the Fatherland:

A. Victory points: 7
B. Money and Manpower:
	Printed:  66/25
	Romagna:  4/2
	Domestic trade: 3/0
	Overseas trade: 6/0
	Total: 79/25
C. Lending: private
D. Manipulation: none
E. Expenditure:
	Corp Maint: 8
	New forces: Start building a boat at Zara
F. Political Status Adj.:  none
G. Civil Disorder:  N/A
H. Ceding: none
I. New Political Comb.: none
J. Levy: none
K. Ump:  N/A

Money and Manpower:
	Free state:  14/6
	Trade: 0/0
	Loans: private
	Maint: none
	Purchases: private

Money and Manpower:
	Free state: 10/4
	Trade: 3/0
	Loans: private
	Maint: none
	Purchases: private

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